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The Witchdoctor Paradox cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8079-9
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Zulu,
    • witchdoctor,
    • lost treasure,
    • talisman,
    • tribal history,
    • African adventure,
    • Shaka Zulu

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The Witchdoctor Paradox
by Barry Tyrrell

Tshiremba, the great witchdoctor, has a ruthless scheme to subjugate the Zulus of kwaZulu — Natal to his own ends in the “New” South Africa. Dr. Philemon Thlabati, is a thorn in his side, and Tshiremba is not above using ancient witchcraft to destroy his enemies. But the life of Philemon Thlabati is also influenced by powerful forces; and centuries old Zulu stories foretell of a destiny that must be fulfilled. Philemon and his friends set out on a quest to solve the mystery of a lost tribe; and along the way they find adventure, unexpected romance, and the legacy of a princess. The setting for this tale is the beautiful rolling hills, mountains and rivers of Zululand, South Africa — Shaka Zulu’s former domain. There, an epic battle between good and evil is fought with clubs, spears and cunning; and by summoning the precocious spirits of the ancestors.

Barry Tyrrell photo

Barry Tyrrell grew up in Zululand, on the “Wild Coast of Natal Province (now KwaZulu Natal) one white child among hundreds of Zulu-children who lived in villages dotted throughout the valleys and hills of Kwa-Zulu. Some, like Thlabati, became close friends. He emigrated to Canada and pursued a career in engineering. His 35+ year career as an engineering manager improved his writing skills and his imagination, so it was not a great leap from the boardroom to fiction. This story draws heavily on his experiences in South Africa, real and imagined; therefore any perceived similarities between the characters and the lives of individuals, or to the works of other authors, is strictly coincidental. Demographically, the target audience might be young adult. ‘On reflection, I think the story might appeal to the vivid imaginations of older adults as well.’ “My wish is to write until I run out of improbable stories to tell, and children of all ages no longer hope and dream.”


Barry Tyrrell

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