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Grace to Forgive cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3058-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3057-9
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 294 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3056-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 294 pages
  • Keywords
    • Christian fiction,
    • forgiveness,
    • faith,
    • Mennonite,
    • marriage,
    • adoption,
    • domestic abuse

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Grace to Forgive
Sequel to Grace for Tomorrow
by Eva Schmidt

Mary has a secret. A piece of her past is so painful and shameful that she has told only her parents. Now as a vibrant young woman from a Mennonite family, Mary’s secret stands in the way of her finding happiness. John, a missionary passionate for the Lord’s work, wants to make Mary his wife. How can Mary commit to him when he doesn’t know her true self? “Francis? Is that you?” With those four words over the phone, the life Francis—a single-mother of two—knew comes to a screeching halt. On the other end of the line is Mike, a man that Francis hasn’t seen or heard from in ten years. He is the father of her children, and he left her in the worst possible way. Now he wants to be in their life again. How can Francis ever move past what he did to them? As Mary, Francis, and their loved ones wrestle with unconscionable acts, their futures depend on the answer to one question: Can they find the grace to forgive? Although a sequel to Grace for Tomorrow, this book stands on its own as a story about the human condition and how Divine inspiration can change everything.

Eva Schmidt photo

Eva Schmidt’s own life experiences and faith shape her Christian fiction. She was born and raised Mennonite and is a born-again believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Eva lives with her husband on a farm near La Crete, Alberta—a close-knit community like the one where Mary, her book’s protagonist, lives. Eva and her husband have four adult children and several grandchildren. Eva sings in the church choir, and fills the intervening time with reading, knitting, crocheting, and, of course, writing. Grace to Forgive is her second book. She notes that in her stories: “I want my readers to be encouraged and inspired to put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”


Eva Schmidt

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