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In Pursuit of the Pathfinders cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6012-8
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • fantasy,
    • action,
    • middle reader,
    • shape shift,
    • dystopian,
    • friendship,
    • magic

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In Pursuit of the Pathfinders
by Kathryn Turner

Book three of the “McKay McDaniel” pathfinder trilogy finds two pathfinders running for their lives after a daring rescue and escape from the nest of the evil Natrass. The angry Natrass will not give up until he has recaptured Lauren and destroyed the all-powerful pathfinder. Plotting and planning by both the Natrass and the pathfinders ensue, and lead up to the final battle between the powerful forces of good and evil.

Kathryn Turner photo

Kathryn Turner is the author of the “McKay McDaniel” pathfinder trilogy. She believes we are all born with a little bit of “super-hero” in us. Throughout her life she has encountered many “super-heroes” or “pathfinders”, and is pretty sure most of these people have no idea they are seen as such. Most real super-heroes have no idea people see them that way. They, like the pathfinder, just listen to their heart, use their skills and abilities, and do what they can to help others. She hopes that by reading about the adventures of McKay McDaniel children of all ages will understand and recognize the “pathfinder” within them as they do their best to help others through the difficulties and hazards of life. By doing this they become someone’s super-hero!


Kathryn Turner
Paige Berezay

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