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Mytilus cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8928-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Post Apocalyptic novel,
    • Coming of age sci-fi,
    • Young adult sci-fi,
    • Sci-fi War,
    • Action/Adventure novel,
    • Sci-fi male,
    • Sci-fi teen

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by Stuart A. Solomon

Fueled with an army of epic proportions, the Hexii Nation ruthlessly expands its borders to claim the precious resources remaining in the Safe Zone—the only habitable place on Earth following World War III. Leaving nothing but their destructive signature, the Hexii army annihilates all that resist and enslaves all that surrender. Faced with the danger of an impending attack, the fortified paradise of Mytilus must prepare to defend its walls while maintaining the advanced society within. Part of this society is Aurum Anderson, a gifted academic who lives a secure, ordinary life. Try as he might to accommodate himself to his existence, Aurum can’t escape the feeling that his life is pointless, that everyone around him has an exciting destiny to fulfill. Everyone, that is, except him. As the city’s leaders argue about how to deal with the imminent threat, Aurum comes up with a daring plan that offers Mytilus a slim hope of victory over the Hexii. There’s just one problem: to pull it off, Aurum will have to lead the team charged with executing the plan, meaning he has to leave the safety of Mytilus behind, possibly forever…

Stuart A. Solomon photo

Stuart A. Solomon is currently a senior laboratory analyst at an agricultural chemistry lab in Southern Alberta, Canada. Ever since he was a young boy, Stuart has loved writing stories and has dreamed of being part of an epic adventure. Inspired by classic novels and movies like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, he desired to create not only an epic story, but an entire world. Now, with the publication of Mytilus, he has done just that. This is his first novel, but he plans on making it the first book in a Mytilus trilogy.


Stuart A. Solomon

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