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Angels Overhead cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-2524-0
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 64 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-2523-3
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 64 pages
  • Keywords
    • Angels,
    • Clouds,
    • Poetry,
    • Spiritual,
    • Wisdom,
    • Healing,
    • Medium

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Angels Overhead
A Book of Inspirational Photographs and Angelic Wisdom
by C. A. Simpson

We have all directed our gaze into the sky, enjoying the peace and solitude of nature, anticipating to see the shape of something in the clouds. Cheryl Simpson started seeing angels more than 20 years ago and has been recording their images ever since. She feels that if it looks like an angel it more than likely is one, waiting to see who will notice them hovering above. Not long after she started collecting these photos she was drawn to automatic writing, a method of asking a question of ones’ angels, guides, or God and receiving an answer. Often, not having a particular question in mind, she would just ask what they had to say. The messages were always uplifting and imparted pertinent angelic wisdom. Angels Overhead is a collection of photographs of some of these angel formations, and several of the angels’ messages and poems. They show themselves to make us aware of their presence, to affirm we are always loved, protected and guided. We only have to ask for what we need and be patient for our wish to be answered in whatever form our Creator has chosen to deliver it, on the wings of angels.

"Angels Overhead presents an amazing array of photographs that will make you want to stop and look up! It provides a glorious representation of what is and will inspire you to be more observant of what you see and hear. When you believe you are seeing angels, you will feel their presence even more! I highly recommend this book for the sheer joy and wisdom it offers." Karen Noé, Author of Through the Eyes of Another: A Medium's Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now

C. A. Simpson photo

Cheryl Simpson has always been drawn to nature and everything that involves some form of creativity. After a career in research and raising four children, her angels have led her to a path in life that promises more than enough to keep her busy for years to come. She is an artist/photographer, an illustrator, a channel and medium and a graduate of Integrated Energy Therapy (IET). She has realized her destiny and her passion and focus are now about helping others realize their own gifts and potential to move forward. She is constantly validated by the people who are led to her and know her journey involves working with angels, a responsibility she is thrilled to be a part of. She reminds us that they are our personal link to the inspiration coming from our Creator. She sees becoming an author as an exciting new venture that will provide another avenue to pass along the things that have inspired her. Her website is


C. A. Simpson

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