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Kindred Stories
by Ron Sokol

Do not ask what is it. Let us go and make our visit. This is an invitation to Kindred Stories. From moonlight surfing to images in a window, from the lamppost that beckons to ivy that insists it has great understanding, from the piano player singing in the middle of the world to the lighthouse that helps us to get home, or does it? No one can live without a heart, although some try to. Welcome. Let me introduce you to someone you may know. Someone you may know well, possibly you.

Unable to write legibly between the lines on standard paper from the moment he was given a pen or pencil, Ron took typing classes very early in life. Able to type at incredible speed, but diagnosed with “incessant typing syndrome” (note, not yet a scientifically established condition), Ron is relieved that keyboards have become so prevalent. Thus, he has written a weekly newspaper column for over 10 years. Living near the ocean, with wife and sons, along with a Maine coon cat and a sweet, gentle giant of a dog (who just happens to be a golden retriever), Ron still is unable to write neatly between the lines.


Ron Sokol

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