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You Were Listening cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-1213-4
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 120 pages
  • Keywords
    • prayer,
    • encouragement,
    • answers,
    • Christ,
    • family,
    • listening,
    • Christian,
    • faith

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You Were Listening
by Patricia Maack Walsh

How do we really know that God listens and then indeed answers our prayers? This question persists in our dark world filled with tragedy and illness. Even among the community of faith the question looms. When and how one prays is as diverse as those praying. Crisis is the most compelling reason most of us pray. However, daily communication with the Lord in the little concerns is the direction my prayer life has moved. God’s answers are as varied; some “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, and some “wait”. As wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and believer I have experienced a myriad of opportunities to cry out to God in prayer. Likewise, I have “heard” all forms of answers. I have also chatted with Him while singing in the shower with no crisis at all and no need for an answer. Most of the stories I tell are my own experiences. A few of the stories are significant episodes in the lives of close friends that are retold with their permission. I share these testimonies to encourage anyone pondering the question, “God, do you listen?”

Patricia Maack Walsh photo

Patricia is a wife, mother of two adult children, and grandmother to four grandchildren who all bring her much joy. After years of growing in Christ, from a child walking on the beach with her father to a deeper understanding communicating with her Heavenly Father, she decided to share her faith experiences of prayer. Patricia enjoys her retirement with travel, study, art, writing and family in a small town in Kentucky.


Patricia Maack Walsh

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