Juvenile Fiction, Bedtime & Dreams
I Knew I Loved You From Day One
by Dylan Benson and Iver Benson
From the moment he first saw his son, this father knew their bond would be remarkable and forever. In gentle rhyme, this book tells of the love a father has for his son. Each verse overflows with promises of the adventures they will have...
Nothing Scares Ellie
Monsters Beware! by Vivian Elizabeth van Osch
Ellie is a seven-year-old girl. She is quiet and shy but adventurous and brave. She loves exploring the mountain behind her house for all sorts of things that are treasures to her, including even some scary things like toads and snakes! Nothing...
I Wish I Could
If I could, I would... by Jolly Bimbachi
I wish I could … go to the beach with you … play in the park with you … tuck you into bed at night. These are the heartfelt and tender wishes of a parent for their child. Words of love, longing, hope, and happiness fill the pages of this book....
Sleepy Bears
by E. Katalin Zamberg
This sweet family of bears is getting ready to sleep. Come along and take a peek in their tiny forest home. Can you count the objects in their house while walking the bears to bed? A charming tale of winding down for little ones...and not so little ones.
A (New) Christmas Story
by Robert Montgomery
This book is the culmination of the Author's vision of what Christmas could be at Santa Claus' home. It originated from a question from the Author's 6 year old grandson wondering if Santa has children, and what their Christmas could be. The...
Inside, Outside, Upside Down
by Nan Gabinet
Mandy lives on a hobby farm, where a lot of chores need to be done. She usually helps her mom, but she does not like to work. She dreams of living in a world where she never has to do chores. One night, after a fight with her mom, Mandy sneaks...
I Love You, I Trust You, I'm Proud of You
by Matt Thomson
Every night, when Papa Bear puts his kids to sleep, he tells them, “I love you, I trust you, I'm proud of you." But would he love them no matter who they were and what they did? Would he love them no matter what? Papa Bear’s four children come up...
Abby Zoo Turns Into a Mosquito
by Matt Fournier
Abby Zoo can’t sleep—again. In the Northwest Territories, the summer sun doesn’t set, and her room is hot and bright. Making matters worse, there’s a mosquito who won’t leave her alone! She calls for her parents, but they say what they always say...
The Great Big Yawn
by Margaret Clowater and Eleanor Clowater
In this sweet rhyming bedtime story, a daughter and her father go to visit the zoo. She’s excited to see all of the animals, but she gets distracted when a great big yawn starts to make its way around the zoo. The yawn travels from one animal to...
La Citrouille Qui Patrouille
by Tante Nadia
Une jeune citrouille ne sait pas ce qu’elle veut devenir comme adulte. Sa maman veut l’aider à faire des bonnes décisions, et lui demande de faire une liste de choix possibles. La jeune citrouille a commencé à éliminer des possibilités. Mais la...