Biography & Autobiography, Historical
Finest Kind
Tales of a Brant Rock Lobsterman by Sandra Staples-Bortner
Donal Staples joins the Navy at seventeen and soon finds himself in the Battle of Okinawa, one of the defining conflicts of World War II. Returning home a confident young man, he makes up for lost time by romancing the woman who will become his...
Rebel With A Cause: The Doc Nikaido Story
by Bretton Loney
Rebel With A Cause: The Doc Nikaido Story is a compelling account of how Canada’s shameful treatment of Japanese-Canadians during World War II impacted one man: the rebellious Dr. Harry Nikaido. Turning his back on material things, Doc practised...
Life of Papa
A Self-Help Memoir by Brian Douglas Crookes
Papa always said if you work hard for something, it’s going to feel so rewarding to succeed—and now he wants to share his insights into how to live a successful life with the next generation. In Life of Papa, Brian Douglas Crookes—“Papa”—brings...
To The Beat of a Different Drum
The Story of One Ex Soldier’s Struggles with PTSD by Daryl Bradley
In 1994 Rwanda was immersed in genocide for one hundred days. On behalf of the United Nations, Canada sent over four hundred troops to act as peacekeepers. When those soldiers returned, many were later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress...
Stooks on the Horizon
The Story of a Prairie Family Homestead by Jan Kuzina
This is a story of land, a farm that was not just the giver of life’s sustenance but a character in its own right, with its own spirit and vitality found in its black earth, pastures, woods, and sloughs as it moves through seasons. When faded,...
Caught in the Turmoil of History
Intrepid Soviet Spies, a Jewish-Croatian Family, Shattered Ideals, and Terror Unleashed by Communist and Fascist Regimes by Ivana Caccia and Maroje Mihovilović
Branko Vukelić may not be well known outside his home country, but he certainly should be. That’s because Branko was a spy, part of the famous Soviet secret espionage group based in Tokyo and led by Richard Sorge. They were spying on Japan and...
In Search of My Father
Whatever Happened to Charlie, the Home Boy? by Winona Williams
In Search of My Father: Whatever Happened to Charlie, the Home Boy? is the author's account of her father's life. Here, we travel with the author through not only her adventure in uncovering facts and details about her beloved father's early...
Many Voyages in Strange Crafts
A Memoir by Captain William Rodick
Young William Rodick was determined to go to sea, like his sea captain father. Even though his father warned him against it, William apprenticed with a merchant marine and boarded his first ship in Liverpool, England, at the age of fourteen. This...
The Life of a Romanian WWI Prisoner of War
A War Journal by Emma Dirk
Readers today are watching the voices of those who endured the First and Second World Wars diminish or disappear, unheard, altogether. To preserve, illuminate, and share her great-grandfather’s memories for future generations, Emma Dirk has...
No Escape
Witness to a Canadian Genocide by Ron Gosbee
IN THE 1950S, AT FIVE YEARS OLD, Ron Gosbee, the son of the post manager for the Hudson’s Bay Company in remote Fort Albany, Ontario, was sent to the local St. Anne’s Indian Residential School with his two sisters. The only white children at the...