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Rest in the Lord
Living in the Power of the Lord
by Clemmie A. Scott Jr.

LEARNING TO REST IN THE LORD will maximize the power of God to change your life. The journey of life is filled with blessings and curses, truths and lies, peace and distress. The Scriptures speak of a constant state of being “… pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed” 2 Corinthians 4:8–9, NLT. All of us have or will experience life’s traumas (pressure, anguish, affliction) over the course of our lives. How we respond to trauma could alter the destiny that God had planned for your life. This book will aid mature Christian Believers, Pastors, Church leaders, or Deliverance / Ministry Team leaders who understand what the Apostle Paul calls the “meat of the Word of God.” The teachings in this book provide a deeper understanding and practical application of scriptures for counseling or ministry to people who are seeking healing from internal chaos, so that they can Rest in the Lord. This book is highly recommended, especially if you serve in any type of leadership role. As leaders, we certainly want to operate in our ministries and businesses out of a place of rest rather than striving, so that our impact upon others comes from the heart of God flowing through us rather than from our own striving for approval or affirmation.

Clemmie A. Scott Jr. photo

CLEMMIE A. SCOTT JR. has been in Christian Ministry for over thirty-fi ve years and is a member of Victory Church North Cobb in Acworth, GA. He has served in several ministries within the church, including the Water Baptism Ministry, Small Group Coach/Leader, Care Pastor, and Married Life Ministries. He and his wife Pam are ordained pastors and work in association with Family Foundations International (FFI). They are currently serving as the National Directors of the FFI International School of Ministry. They lead a distinguished Ministry Team Group that engages in healing and personal transformation of school participants, while training future Leaders/Coordinators for the organization. Rest in the Lord is Clemmie’s third book. His other published books are Bedtime Prayers for Life and A Change of Heart: Understanding the Kingdom of God. His books are tools that support the call of God upon his life to share the visions that the Lord Jesus has given him through Scripture. The teachings provide insight and revelations that inspire the body of Christ to take dominion authority over the circumstances in their life by applying the Words of the Messiah Jesus. Clemmie and Pam founded the nonprofi t organization A Change of Heart Ministries, Inc. Their personal vision is to teach others the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. To help those who are hurting become free from captivity. To build people’s faith in God through the knowledge and application of the truth in their lives. To help restore people through reconciling them back to God. A Change of Heart Ministries, Inc. is committed to healing the brokenhearted. More information is available about the author and his books on their website,


Clemmie A. Scott Jr.
Darius Dunson
Craig Hill

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