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The Crocodile Zipper cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-830669-2
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 20 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-830670-8
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 20 pages
  • Keywords
    • Struggling with zippers,
    • zipper trouble,
    • rhyming children's story,
    • using a zipper,
    • getting dressed,
    • Deanna Scaccia-Pagiluca,
    • Banana Feet

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The Crocodile Zipper
by Deanna Scaccia-Pagliuca

Little Dante is four years old, and while he loves to play outside, he always struggles to get ready, especially when it comes to zippers. Getting them done up properly is always a challenge, but when he learns that leaving them undone means that his zipper crocodile goes hungry—denied its metal-zipper-tooth treats—Dante finally learns what needs to be done to zip his zippers, all on his own. While Zippers can be challenging for most young children, as generations of parents will attest, The Crocodile Zipper teaches them a fun new way to look at zippers and learn how to master this essential skill.

Deanna Scaccia-Pagliuca photo

Along with many other important life skills, author Deanna Scaccia-Pagliuca has been teaching kids to zip up their coats for more than two decades in her career as an educator, helping to foster children’s independence, problem-solving abilities, and an interest in the natural environment as they transition from one phase of their lives to the next. An avid reader since she was a young child, Deanna currently lives with her family in Tottenham, Ontario, surrounded by the beauty of nature, and enjoys travelling with her family whenever they get the chance. The Crocodile Zipper is Deanna’s second book with FriesenPress, following the release of Banana Feet in 2023, which helped kids learn to put the right shoes on the right feet (and the left shoes on the left).


Deanna Scaccia-Pagliuca
Afton Jane

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