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A Spiritual Awakening cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-919157-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919155-6
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 210 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919156-3
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 210 pages
  • Keywords
    • consciousness,
    • Jesus’ unknown years,
    • mind and soul,
    • hidden Christian teachings,
    • brain injury rehabilitation,
    • reincarnation and karma,
    • the supernatural

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A Spiritual Awakening
In Search of Hidden Jewels
by Jessica Elizabeth Taylor

After a life-threatening injury in 1969 rendered her severely brain injured, Jessica Elizabeth Taylor lost most of her memory and struggled for many years to learn everything over again. While rebuilding her life, she gained a glimpse into the metaphysical world, discovering that all humans have a soul purpose and that everything on Earth is connected. As a result, she started to think for herself, including about religion, and she began her spiritual journey to discover her true self and her purpose. The author shares her personal experiences and many findings that came to light as she explored the science of the supernatural, more commonly known as “theology,” about a variety of topics, including: ancient texts and hidden “jewels” of Gospels and other Christian teachings—including much about the life of Jesus, such as his years between age thirteen and thirty, and reincarnation—which are left out of commonly used Western Bibles, as well as near-death experiences, spiritual visitations and messages from the beyond, the Akashic Records, the practice of theurgy, and more. A Spiritual Awakening: In Search of Hidden Jewels encourages readers to grow in their spiritual awareness, rebuilding their world to find true happiness and peace.

"A Spiritual Awakening: In Search of Hidden Jewels will appeal to university students, seekers of existential truth, religious enquirers and brain -injured survivors." —Major Lee Olson "A must read for everyone who is interested in discovering our true Spiritual nature and some fascinating thoughts on Jesus." —Reverend Dianne Burroughs "Jessica Taylor’s research deeply considers the wider meanings of theology in terms of mind and soul." —Susan Keating: Metaphysical Healer "I had the great pleasure of working as an editor on this wonderful book by Jessica Taylor. The book is extraordinarily well researched — I’ve been editing for more than 20 years and have yet to see a work as well researched as this one — and it is very thought-provoking." —Sigrid Macdonald

Jessica Elizabeth Taylor photo

Strength and dexterity are not about how much you can withstand but how often you can stand up after finding yourself on the ground. That has been the motto of Jessica Elizabeth Taylor and she owes her brushes with success to it. Born in Ireland, Jessica tasted fame early when she became a professional child actor and an award-winning step-dancer. In the fifties, while nursing at an institution in Surrey, Jessica tended to two royal sisters, Katherine and Nerissa, who were portrayed in the Netflix series, “The Crown.” Jessica successfully opened a Merle Norman cosmetic studio in Ontario, Canada, in September 1969. Two months later, she became a survivor of a life-threatening head injury, which inspired her to initiate a Brain Injury Awareness Campaign in 1992. Additionally, her memoir, From Tragedy to Triumph: Journey Back from the Edge, has inspired and given hope to thousands around the world including royalty. Apart from appearing on several radio and TV shows, such as “Hidden Heroes” (Canada) and “Nationwide” (Ireland), her campaign has been honored by several celebrities, such as Mary Robinson, a former President of Ireland, and Sarah Ferguson.


Jessica Elizabeth Taylor

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