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All That Remain cover

  • Keywords
    • teenage love,
    • girl power,
    • coming-of-age,
    • young adult,
    • teenage adventure,
    • survivor story,
    • overcoming abuse

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All That Remain
by Becca Sandford

When the bus that Jessa is on with her high school’s football team takes a wrong turn into remote mountainous wilderness, she has an ominous feeling. Soon after, a rock slide crashes into the bus and kills half her classmates, the driver, and all the coaches. Jessa and the remaining teens are alone, lost, injured, and without cell reception to call for help. As the football team’s junior trainer, Jessa steps up to help her schoolmates but is terrified and unsure of who to trust. Jessa finds support in Nick, the kind and gentle running back she’s been tutoring. He’s the opposite of her ex-boyfriend, Troy, who’s also trapped on the bus. Troy threatens and abuses Jessa as new dangers appear and the survivors must find shelter and safety. As the peril escalates, the teens realize they may be stranded indefinitely, and Jessa must protect herself from Troy while finding the inner strength to navigate the minefield of teenage love and friendship. In the process of finding trust in her schoolmates, Jessa gains the confidence to share what she’s been hiding about Troy and become closer to Nick. In the wild, Jessa finally faces past trauma and confronts the challenges of adolescence to find her own voice, renewed hope, and the courage to stand up for herself and others. But just when things seem resolved and Jessa thinks they’ll be saved, another danger arises…

Becca Sandford photo

When the real-life tragedy of the bus crash that killed 16 members of the Humboldt Broncos, a junior hockey league team, made international news in 2018, author Becca Sandford couldn’t stop thinking about it. A story began to form with the central character of a young woman. Jessa’s trials and triumphs are drawn from Sandford’s own experiences—as an adolescent, and as a leader at a youth camp,—as well as her love of YA literature. Sandford lives in Strathroy, Ontario, with her three kids, husband, and dog.


Becca Sandford

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