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Terra Destra cover

  • Keywords
    • Vampirism,
    • Dark Supernatural,
    • Romance,
    • Strong Characters,
    • Teen Life,
    • Alternate worlds,
    • Paranormal fantasy

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Terra Destra
by MtG

In this sequel to the first book of the Terra Nova series, Evangeline, a spirited half-human/half-vampire teenager, has left the kingdom of Latina in the alternate plane of Terra Nova to try to find a cure for the government-created condition that causes vampirism. But when she arrives to save the vampires and turn them back to their original states, including the prince she is in love with, the remaining humans in Terra Nova have other plans in store for her. Back on Earth, her brother and her friends try desperately to find a way to reopen the portal between Earth and Terra Nova to help save her, unaware that they risk being killed by the vicious Sadamanta vampires. Evangeline’s special powers might not be enough to fight the evil forces that have taken over the land, but she is the only one who can save the human race, or is she?

MTG has an undergraduate degree in science and has worked extensively in managerial roles, including as editor-in-chief of a cultural magazine, as an executive director, and most recently, as manager of a nonprofit organization that works with immigrants and refugees. She has lived and worked abroad in Italy, Germany, Italy, Korea, Abu Dhabi, and Pakistan, among other places, which gave her insight into different cultures and worldviews and influenced her writing. Her first novel, Terra Nova, was Book 1 of this series, which was inspired by her own experiences. She, like the protagonist, was diagnosed with the blood disorder paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), and her then-boyfriend (now husband) joked she was becoming a vampire. She lives in Saskatchewan, Canada, with her husband, her son, and two huge dogs. Follow the author on Instagram @mtgbooks777


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