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A Fox Kit's Tale cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-913996-1
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-913994-7
    • 7.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 36 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-913995-4
    • 7.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 36 pages
  • Keywords
    • Photography,
    • Fox education,
    • Foxes,
    • Fox kit,
    • Human-animal interaction,
    • Nature,
    • Animal welfare

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A Fox Kit's Tale
by Nadine Lambert

One spring morning, after searching for the perfect place to make their den, a young fox couple settled in Nadine’s back yard and welcomed their first fox kit. In A Fox Kit’s Tale, author Nadine Lambert captures the inquisitive and playful nature of fox behavior through beautiful, close-up wildlife photography, detailing the arrival and growth of this young fox family. As Nadine observed her new neighbours, the relationship she developed with these foxes grew into deep mutual appreciation. Narrated by the fox kit herself, A Fox Kit’s Tale introduces readers to lessons in biology and expands their vocabulary and fox-based knowledge. Follow along as this fox kit learns the secrets of survival.

As more and more wildlife make their way into human habitat, Nadine found her home had been chosen as a safe space for a fox family to welcome their new kit. What grew from there was a relationship of trust and respect. Nadine observed this young family, making changes in the yard when they weren’t there. They in turn, shared their kit’s development with her. The foxes allowed Nadine to photograph them as they taught their little one techniques of hunting, socializing and survival. They went out of their way to provide her with a greater understanding of their needs lessons Nadine is now sharing with young readers through her writing and photography. Now retired, Nadine spends much of her time observing and photographing wildlife. During her travels, she has had many amazing and unique animal interactions, allowing her to appreciate this intimate opportunity depicted here in her debut publication, A Fox Kit’s Tale.


Nadine Lambert

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