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We Do Recover cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8735-1
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8733-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 216 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8734-4
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 216 pages
  • Keywords
    • addiction,
    • abuse,
    • narcissism,
    • dysfunctional family,
    • dysfunctional relationships,
    • recovery,
    • healing.

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We Do Recover
by Germana Rovinelli

This book is for anyone who is impacted by addiction trauma or abuse that is ready to learn about healing and recovery * Therapists, Universities, Treatment centers, people who are new or seasoned in recovery. The purpose is to help people seek out SOLUTIONS to these everyday problems. Are you looking for hope, and courageous answers to helping yourself or a loved one recover from the effects of unresolved trauma * as it gets played out as addiction and family dysfunction? WE DO RECOVER FROM ADDICTION, SHAME, ABUSE, NEGLECT, ABANDONMENT We do recover from being mistreated We can reclaim our dignity, our health, our relationship with ourself. This book is created to help others find solutions, hope, improve their lives, and live their best life regardless of what has or has not happened to them in their life. We need to know and believe that recovery is possible! We need to know that we can recover and hold space for our people to heal Rather than enabling addiction and letting life or a family be lost to the disease of active addiction (self-abandonment).

"Recovering from trauma or emotinal pain is a process, there is no hiding from grief, only feeling your way through it. The best soul awakening I’ve ever had came from tragedy and turmoil. This pain is serving a purpose allowing you to shed old emotional skin, taking you to an even deeper level of self. Find gentleness in your moments of agony, there is no rushing the healing process, just surrendering to your current experience.” —Reina Starke “Goddess Empower Facilitator”

Germana Rovinelli photo

This book is about my Recovery journey from a family that taught me to sacrifice myself and die early, I did twice in early addiction to finding my way out of a personal HELL that I was set up to live as a family system of Don't Think Don't Talk Don't Feel. Don't be who you are because who you are is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Seven generations of shame and secrets were programmed into me, as I found myself asking " how did I come to believe that I am worth so little," I was lead back to my family of origin and its hypnotic programming" I have been in recovery for 29 years and my book is a reflection of my journey, painful transparent, and factual. It teaches us that we are all Worth Loving. This book is for: Personal development, Relapse prevention, treatment centers, second stage recovery. Helping people who have been abused as children understand why they've been abusing, neglecting themselves, and how to stop this cycle of self-harm and self-abandonment. Germana Rovinelli lives in Nanaimo BC.


Germana Rovinelli
Goody Niosi

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