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Your Most Difficult Child cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8988-1
    • 7.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 144 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8989-8
    • 7.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 144 pages
  • Keywords
    • Psychotherapy Counseling,
    • Psychotherapy Child,
    • Psychotherapy Family,
    • The mind and suffering,
    • Self-reflection,
    • Psychiatric help,
    • Most Difficult Child

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Your Most Difficult Child
A Personal Journey Through Caring for our Children
by Toghra GhaemMaghami

Personal growth is key in the achievement of happiness and for a sense of mastery in one’s own life despite inevitable adversarial situations. Your Most Difficult Child taps into the most enduring human relationship—a parent’s love for a child. This love relationship guides the reader to self-examine and to recognize inner strength versus limitation. It is an opportunity to be set free from the inside out, unhindered by external circumstances. The goal is for transformation and transcendence to an improved version of one’s self, equipped with mature judgment, and freedom from guilt and shame. This book aims at stimulating personal reflection. A reader who is interested in self-development through active self-observation and engagement with the external world will replace the tendency to accuse external factors with a renewed sense of personal responsibility. One will find enhanced inner power to: • Endure a given situation, • Reduce a pre-existing bias that is causing perpetual cognitive distortion, and • Modify what can be changed while pursuing a tailor-made path towards personal happiness. Your Most Difficult Child crosses boundaries of age, geographical location, race, and nationality. At any stage of life, a keen reader can activate their inner power to value their own integrity, to maintain psychological equilibrium, and to perceive others as journey-mates on route to becoming the authentic people they were meant to be.

“Dr. GhaemMaghami dives deep into the issue that is so important to many parents: how to help their difficult child thrive and how to survive parenting them in her new book, “Your Most Difficult Child.” As a family law lawyer, my clients often report that their biggest stressor in their marriage is a “difficult child.” This book will be important for them to read so they hopefully won’t need my services.” —Nicola Savin, Partner BSLSC LLB “[Dr. GhaemMaghami], my esteemed colleague for over forty years, has been an inspiration to me and others, with her passion for life and adventure. She has travelled extensively to many corners of the world, [the equivalent of the extensive journey she has made inside] through her practice. Her short stories highlight the art, culture and humanity of places she visits, and with her great sense of humor, she turns her misadventures into life lessons. She embraces her work as a psychiatrist with the same passion, as is evident in.” —Dr. Mariam Vania MD, FRCPC, Psychiatrist “I am honoured to write a review of Dr. GhaemMaghami’s manuscript entitled “Your Most Difficult Child.” The reader is captivated by her collection of patient encounters that span the scope of human emotions over her years of psychiatric practice. It is prefaced with her thoughts on the theories of science of the brain and philosophy of human motivation. We are transported to the doctor’s chair and given a narrative of the patients’ problems. She shares her insights, interpretations, [and] her own sense of humility [in] the practice of psychotherapy. She reveals the depth of her understanding of human motivation, relationships, and psychological dynamics. The encounters are well-chosen, real-life, and cover common clinically encountered conditions (e.g., substance abuse, behaviour disorders, and marital discord, to name a few). It is a fascinating read for those who have a background in mental health and psychotherapy and general public.” —Janice Van Kampen, M.D. FRCPC, Psychiatrist “Reading this compendium of clinical cases can shed light on the darkness of guilt and shame any parents may carry about their relationship with a difficult child. Dr. GhaemMaghami offers solutions expressed in clear and lucid language.” —Dr. Shohreh Mahdavi PhD Psy., Licensed Yungian psychologist

Toghra GhaemMaghami photo

Toghra GhaemMaghami, MD is a psychiatrist interested in understanding and eradicating human suffering. Through extensive psychotherapy sessions with couples, family, children, and individual adults Dr. GhaemMaghami found her patients became her best teachers, helping her to understand the complexities of the mind and its suffering through the angle that most people had an amazing affinity to be good parents for their children. She chose the medium of "Child" as a way to help patients with their self-reflection on the way to a better understanding of themselves and a realization that the most difficult child to handle was the one within themselves. As a psychiatrist, mother, wife, and friend, Dr. GhaemMaghami has been grateful for the blessings in life which gave her the resilience to deal with the inevitable negativity inherent in living. This book is the sum of her multidimensional life in pursuit of finding herself. Your Most Difficult Child shares that knowledge and experience with others—to give back for all she has taken. Dr. GhaemMaghami lives in suburban Toronto, Ontario, close to her three children and their families.


Toghra GhaemMaghami

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