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From Galilee to Golgotha cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4545-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4544-3
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 204 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4543-6
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 204 pages
  • Keywords
    • gospel,
    • Christianity,
    • Kingdom of God,
    • eschatology,
    • faith,
    • Christ,
    • church

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From Galilee to Golgotha
An Ancient Walk that Changed Everything
by George M. Delaney

Following the steps of Jesus from Galilee to Golgotha at the end of his ministry, this book provides a helpful and detailed focus on the importance of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus. Rooted in historical detail and prophetic texts, this book would be an interesting study guide and provide good material for interesting discussions. A sample of some topics of interest found in the book: what is the Kingdom of God?; what does all the Old Testament history have to do with Jesus?; what is the church anyway?; what does it mean to be "born again"?; how do we have faith when every thing seems so "off the rails"?; how do we deal with our anger toward God when we are suffering?; why choose Jesus? Looking back over his life, George believed that God had led him every step of the way. Everyone who knows George will recognize the authenticity of his life and story on every page of this book. It was his heart's desire that all his family would know and understand the love of Jesus at work in each life, and in many others who have not yet discovered the love of God.

George M. Delaney was celebrated by his family and community as a good man, husband, skilled builder and craftsman, father, grandfather and great grandfather. This man studied his Christian faith and teachings throughout his life, and in his later years, desired to leave behind his story and his beliefs, to encourage faith in the next generations and to give his progeny a clear picture of their foundations, grounded in the love of Jesus. While George shared these ideas at 92 years of age, he had been working on these same ideas from his seminary days forward. He believed that God had led him every step of the way. Everyone who knew George will recognize the authenticity of his life and story on every page of this book. In this book, the author followed the steps of Jesus at the very end of his earthly ministry, along with a helpful and detailed focus on the importance of the crucifixion and resurrection. Rooted in historical details and prophetic texts, this book would be an interesting study guide and provide material for excellent discussions.

George M. Delaney photo

George M. Delaney was born in Toronto, Ontario, in 1926. Although he studied theology at Toronto Baptist Seminary as a young man, he found his life's work in the construction trade. Developing his own company, George built over fifty-five churches, a motel, two Christian schools, and many individual homes. Today, he lives with his wife, Lois, in Cobourg, Ontario. Together, they have three adult children, seven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. George wanted to bless the next generations by sharing his insights about the power of the story of Jesus for all people for all time. He wanted to call others to recognize Jesus as their personal Saviour. It was his desire that all of his family and many others would know the presence of God at work in their lives, and that they would have confidence that faith in Jesus would always be trustworthy and faithful.


George M. Delaney

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