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Living In Dominion cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1417-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Christianity,
    • Christian living,
    • Catholicism,
    • faith,
    • self-care,
    • spirituality,
    • dominion

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Living In Dominion
A Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Life
by Fr Emmanuel Mbah

God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth and everything in it, not only to command but to nurture as well. Living in Dominion challenges and inspires us to expand on that dominion, turning it inward to nurture our own physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health, as God intended. It is God's design that we live lives that are wholly balanced, with everything in the right perspective and the right proportion, and as such, finding that balance can only bring us joy and peace of mind, and give honour to the Creator. Fr Emmanuel Mbah leads us on this journey, sharing insights and wisdom accumulated over a lifetime spent in the service of God and his fellow man. In a world that is too often driven by highs and lows, priorities and neglects, he shows us the importance of finding some sort of balance―the importance of Living in Dominion.

In this thoughtful, well written book, Father Emmanuel Mbah, explores the many ways we, as Christian people, share in the reign of God. The author has come to a powerful understanding that along with this gift of “dominion” comes great responsibility to enact this wonderful truth in all aspects of our lives. Father Emmanuel shows us the way to “everyday holiness” through his reflections on such practicalities as: prayer, hard work, generosity, physical exercise, retreat & vacation etc. As a Christian pilgrim searching for a path, this book will empower you for the journey. – Helen Mourre, parishioner at St. Theresa’ Catholic Church, Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Canada, author of To Everything A Season.

Fr Emmanuel Mbah photo

Originally from Nigeria's Enugu State, Fr Emmanuel Mbah now lives in Rosetown, Saskatchewan, where he works for the Diocese of Saskatoon, Canada, as a Parochial Administrator. He was ordained a Catholic priest in June 2006, and holds bachelor degrees in Philosophy and Theology, from Pontifical Urbaniana University, in Rome, and a Master of Science in Applied Psychology from the University of Liverpool, in England. Over the course of his career, he has been awarded several honours: Distinctive Service Award by Our Lady of Fatima Cathedral, Kano, Nigeria, in 2009; Administrative Excellence Award by the Laity of Catholic Diocese of Kano, Nigeria, in 2012; and the Motivational Speaker Award by Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria, in 2011. Although he has co-authored two other publications—No Longer Two But One (1st ed) (2008) and (2nd ed) (2010). Divine Principles for Success (2012)— is Father Mbah's first published book as the sole author, and now the second one - Living in Dominion.


Fr Emmanuel Mbah
Peter Dare Ebidero
Joseph Salihu, PhD

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