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I Know What Prayer Can Do cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1445-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1444-9
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 366 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-1443-2
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 366 pages
  • Keywords
    • prayer,
    • Holy Spirit,
    • spiritual warfare,
    • miracles,
    • Lord’s Prayer,
    • fasting,
    • faith

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I Know What Prayer Can Do
by Cordell May Thorpe

Believe Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place? I have. How did you triumph? I will tell you how I overcame; I learned to pray. God does hear and answer prayers. This book focuses majorly on the power of prayer and taking God’s words at face value. When you do not know what to do you should meditate upon the word of God and pray. Through the power of prayer I have overcome many obstacles. A prayer prayed in faith can cause strongholds to be torn down. As you will discover in this book, the prayer of faith can cause healing to come to the sick; it can break the chains of bondage; it can even stop funerals. The doctors sent me home to die when I was a toddler; but the prayer of faith stopped the funeral. The personal testimonies in this book are real. Prayer changes things. I dare you to believe God, stand still and then watch him change things. I challenge you to believe God without wavering and doubting. I know what prayer can do. I believe God and received from his hands. Cordell May Thorpe

"Should anyone feel down and despair over situation that you feel you cannot change, worry no longer. Read the inspiring, encouraging, life changing book. I know what Prayer can do. The book was written based on the author's personal experience. Rev. Thorpe stressed how effective sincere prayer can be. One need to believe and to pray in faith. Rev. Thorpe recalled the negative declarations that was made over her life, even as a child. However, her mother prayed and things change. The many disappointments in her adult life changed as she prayed in every situation. The author recalled the many times she encountered people with demonic possession. These people were delivered through the power of prayer. I would suggest everyone reads this book as it is a great source of encouragement when one feels like all hope is gone. In conclusion, the author is stressing the power of prayer in the life of the believer. The author is also encouraging sincerity, faith.consistence and tolerance as one prays." - Carmen Dennis

Cordell May Thorpe photo

Cordell May Thorpe states that two of the best things that ever happened to her thus far were the times when she walked down the aisle and received her Ministerial Credentials and Nursing Diploma. A prophetic utterance came to her at age eight years old saying, “You are going to be a nurse one day little girl, but! Go feed the lambs.” But, a satanic voice had spoken to her from age four years old saying, “A child like you will never amount to anything in life. You will only go this far and then turn back.” Satanic forces tried to derail her. Constant spiritual warfare was waged against her; but, she triumphed by the power of God and by the blood of Jesus. She became a mighty spiritual warfare prayer warrior. She sends this message to the readers of her book: “Don’t back down or give up. Use the word of God to reverse standing satanic orders and to block upcoming ones.” The Lord is fighting for you.


Cordell May Thorpe

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