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One Way, One Truth, One Life cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8983-9
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Christian,
    • Bible,
    • God,
    • Heaven,
    • Hell,
    • Doctrine,
    • Spiritual.

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One Way, One Truth, One Life
The truth is stranger than fiction
by Lorne W.P Vanderwoude

With so many doctrines in the Christian world today, finding the truth can be daunting. In this collection of personal meditations on several biblical doctrines, Lorne W.P. Vanderwoude seeks to reveal key themes shared by different doctrines, and in the process heal the church. He challenges readers to study the Bible for themselves and ask the Holy Spirit for direction, and reminds us that there is only one truth, one way, and one life—it comes through one person, Jesus Christ. Jesus can inspire people to grow their own faith rather than live the faith of others. One Way, One Truth, One Life invites readers of Christian and non-Christian faith who have the desire to join in the journey and hear the story of Christ.

“This book stands out above all doctrinal books around the world. This is a personal testimony and personal view of certain doctrines which are taught by Christians around the world. This book answers the question of what is the truth and who is the one who knows the truth. This book will challenge you and will help you understand the correct way, truth and the life which we can all have through Jesus Christ.” "Lorne has a nice writing style. Lorne's work is easy to follow and has a nice follow to it.". Jackie Lovely- Member of the Alberta Legislature

Lorne W.P Vanderwoude photo

Lorne W.P. Vanderwoude is a born-again Christian who has studied the Bible for all of his life. Growing up, he always had the desire to find the real truth in everything. In Bible school, conflicting doctrines confused him. One Way, One Truth, One Life is the result of his journey to make sense of so many conflicting views. Lorne has attended four Bible schools in his life. He graduated from Bethany Bible Institute with a two-year diploma in Biblical Studies and earned a three-year advanced diploma in Christian Service. He also attended Prairie Bible Institute, Briercrest Bible College, and Gardner College. He is a member of Camrose Church of God, and the Camrose Schizophrenia Society. He lives in Camrose, Alberta, with the love of his life, Gwen, and he is the author of several other books. Visit him at


Lorne W.P Vanderwoude

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