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Simply... Life cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8088-1
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Christianity,
    • spirituality,
    • Authentic relationships,
    • Family life,
    • Marriage,
    • Modern day church,
    • friendship

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Simply... Life
Back where you belong
by Kevin M Blosser

Does it appear that the religion you’ve been sold has made promises that it hasn’t delivered on? Do you find yourself asking, “Is this all there is?” Do you feel like at this point, your life has been marked with wasted or untapped potential? Have you followed what you thought were the rules or five easy steps intended to improve the quality of life and relationship’s only to realize that your life and relationships remain unchanged, and flirting with dysfunction? Did you expect to gain a family yet find yourself adrift and alone? One bible, one collection of writings, one central message; yet there are literally thousands of Christian denominations world-wide, each with their own twist or agenda. The truth is that the Father’s objective of loving and liberating his kids and bringing them back into unity and freedom has been lost in a myriad of words, man-made regulations, and convenient interpretations. Buckle-up—you’re about to be challenged head-on with raw, gut-level dialogue that bypasses current Christian culture and empty religiosity. Simply…Life invites you to re-examine what it means to live your life in close communion with your Father and loving your neighbor, while rediscovering a life of unparalleled freedom found at the Heart of the greatest story ever told.

Kevin M Blosser photo

Kevin M. Blosser is a church leader who works specifically in a transitional role, assisting groups and individuals in their journey from organized corporate conformity into the simplicity of satisfying personal relationship and freedom. Though people may call him “pastor”, the reality is that he’s just “a guy” working out life and faith personally, while facilitating healthy environments for others to make their own personal faith discoveries. He currently lives with his wife Dana and their two teenage daughters in Alberta, Canada.


Kevin M Blosser

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