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Your Mind or Your Life
by D. J. Mikail Maillet

Being creative is a gift we all possess. A gift to create in our lives, your purpose you were born to Be. Don’t cheat the world of your contribution to the incredible gifts you have to offer and share. Discover the awesome power you possess within your thought process and unlock those dreams you possess in your mind. DO YOU EVER * dream of being financially free? * dream of being a rock star? * dream of being a successful writer or journalist? * wish you could start your own business? * hope to finish that big project or start a new one? * hope to be an inspiration to your children or being an inspiring person? IF “YES” IS THE ANSWER TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, THEN YOU WANT...... "YOUR MIND OR YOUR LIFE" In this powerful book you will find the answers to many questions as asked above. You will access the tools you already possess within you to create the life you always wanted to live. The proper use of your mind and your thinking process is crucial to life success. You will learn to identify the weaknesses we all create and how to dissolve or defuse them as they pop up. Your Mind Or Your Life series is an inspirational journey that many readers will admire and be able to relate to.

D. J. Mikail Maillet is an accomplished Martial Artist of over forty years certified in multiple disciplines. He has studied eastern philosophy and western thought as well as many faiths around the globe. He has been a seeker of knowledge for well over 40 years, a meditator and practicer of many arts. He has a passion for knowledge and tests what ever he can to prove its worth. Lives in beautiful Harrison Hot Springs, minutes from the lake where some of the inspiration he gets comes from.


D. J. Mikail Maillet

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