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The Adventures of Maesee Peek cover
  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6767-7
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Dolls,
    • Adventure,
    • Science,
    • Tea Parties,
    • Toys,
    • Fantasy,
    • History

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The Adventures of Maesee Peek
by Janet Hébert

With her wonderful bouffant of bright, purple hair, handmade Maesee Peek is no ordinary doll. She’s got a gold monocle that lets her see amazing things, a mystical timepiece that opens up history for her, and a padded bustle on the back of her Victorian dress that can act as a floatation device if she happens to need one. When Maesee is accidentally dropped down a hill after an afternoon tea party, she finds that she needs all the help she can get. Catapulted into a wild adventure that takes her back and forth in time, Maesee takes a breathless ride into science, history, and art! With mystical ingenuity and a sweet-natured, comic sensibility, The Adventures of Maesee Peek is that rare treat that entertains just as much as it educates.

For my husband Marcel who patiently listened to every sentence in this book over and over and to Emily who graciously gave me this quirky little doll

Janet Hébert  photo

Once she had grandchildren author Janet Hebert, a lifelong storyteller, decided it was time to open up her imaginary world at last. And when she was given the gift of a unique and beautiful handmade doll, she just knew that doll had a lot of fascinating stories in her. A nurse, an entrepreneur, and a world traveller, Janet plunged into researching historical events and visiting art galleries to create Maesee Peek’s magical adventures into science and history; stories only a few would know. She lives in Winnipeg with her husband.


Janet Hébert
Bonnie Lemaire

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