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God and Evolution: Creativity In Action cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5286-4
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • God,
    • Creator,
    • Dawkins,
    • Evolution,
    • natural selection,
    • Creativity,
    • Genius

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God and Evolution: Creativity In Action
Abridged Version
by Jock Abra

Atheism, this book argues, is unbelievable. The universe’s wonders couldn’t have come about by chance, nor could natural selection alone have produced evolution. Therefore since evolution resembles the creative process, especially in using trial-and-error, God’s creative activity is responsible and human creators reveal much about him. However that process is goal directed, so evolution must be as well. But the goal a Picasso or Darwin pursues is vague. They don’t know exactly where they’re going and make mistakes. So therefore must God. Thus Abra rejects the perfect God assumed by many religions and Intelligent Design. Why bring back God? To restore meaning and purpose to existence and gain faith’s many benefits. To better explain how the universe, scientific laws and life itself came about, and living things’ attractive but useless properties. Other discussions clarify both creativity and the creative God. Is there one kind of creativity or many? A sex difference? Are creators neurotic?

Jock Abra grew up in Winnipeg, earned a PhD from Northwestern University in Psychology and joined the University of Calgary Psychology Department in 1966, where he became a full professor before retiring. His interest in Human Creativity stemmed from his second career as a singer, dancer and choreographer of twelve ballets and director of several musical theatre productions. He also served as a dance and musical theatre critic for CBC radio and on the Dance in Canada Founding Board of Directors. He has published two books, several monographs and a number of articles on creativity, and another book about psychology’s attempt to be a science.


Jock Abra

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