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Joseph the Messianic Father of Jesus
A Research Companion
by J. Ivan Prcela M. A.

Despite being the Messianic Father of Jesus Christ, St. Joseph is neglected in Christology and in all Marian dogmas. These biblical, theological, liturgical and devotional reflections on Joseph and Mary’s virginal marriage and their parenthood of Jesus Christ shine a light on this, after Jesus and Mary, most important figure in Salvation History...

“This book about St. Joseph is singular in its structure, in its methodology, in its freedom and in the treatment of various chapters. It should be said that this is a fascinating book, whether one agrees or not with the opinions or, better yet, with the convictions of its author who radiates sincerity and, most of all, shows his enthusiasm for St. Joseph.” José de Jesús María Estudios Josefinos, Year 66, No. 132 (2012) Valladolid, Spain “If a concise evaluation of Prcela’s Project is needed, it should be stated that his views are based on solid reasoning and they are spiritually inspiring. This is the best thing that the author can give. The rest depends on the divine Providence and future Josephological developments. Having said this, we should also emphasize that many of us recognize that the author has placed before us an unexpected challenge.” Vlado Vladic´, PhD Expert on Philosophy of Pope John Paul II Literary magazine “Marulic´” Zagreb, Croatia, September-October 2012

J. Ivan Prcela was born in 1922 in Kosute-Trilj, Croatia. He graduated from the 8-year Franciscan Classical Gymnasium in Sinj in 1944; completed one year of theology in Makarska, Croatia; and two additional years in Rome, Italy. For decades, he has written prolifically in English and Croatian. After more than 70 years of study and reflection, Prcela published this, his second book on St. Joseph.


J. Ivan Prcela M. A.

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