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St. Joseph The Virginal Father of Jesus: cover

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St. Joseph The Virginal Father of Jesus:
Lifelong Biblical and Theological Reflections
by J. Ivan Prcela

St. Joseph, although the Husband of the Mother of God and Messianic Father of Jesus Christ, is NEGLECTED in Christology and EXCLUDED in the Marian dogmas of the Immaculate Conception, Virginity, Motherhood and the Glorious Assumption. J. Ivan Prcela’s UNIQUE and BOLD Compendium contains a long chain of biblical, liturgical, theological and devotional reflections on how to include St. Joseph in all the dogmas of his Immaculate Spouse.

The article, “St. Joseph in the Mystery of Christmas,” contains concisely all that one can wish to know about St. Joseph’s intervention in the Mystery of Christ. Convincingly, your study is based on Matthew and Luke’s Gospels and on Prophet Isaiah. The article is precious, for it contains all those reflections that a well-informed Christian wants to have. By the way, you bring to the attention of the QUEEN readers, who are certainly very numerous, something that most of them do not know. Congratulations! Fr. José Antonio Carrasco, OCD Editor “Estdudios Josefinos” Valladolid, Spain – January 7, 1885

J. Ivan Prcela photo

J. Ivan Prcela was born in 1922 in Košute -Trilj, Croatia. He graduated from the 8-year Franciscan Classical Gymnasium in Sinj in 1944, completed one year of theology in Makarska, Croatia, and two additional years in Rome, Italy. In 1949, he emigrated to the United States, graduated from John Carroll University in 1954 and in 1957 obtained his Master of Arts Degree from Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He was a high school teacher from 1954 to 1988, got married in 1963; he is a father of four and a grandfather of eight. He became a widower in 2002. For decades he has been a prolific writer in English and Croatian. After 70 years of reflections, he comes out with this UNIQUE and BOLD theological book on St. Joseph.


J. Ivan Prcela

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