Religion, Christian Living, Women's Issues
Throw Another Pebble on the Pile
One Woman's Leadership Journey in the Church by Michelle Felice
Should a woman be allowed to lead a church? From hushed conversations to national board rooms, this question is hotly debated in churches across North America. Michelle Felice left her profession in the medical field, returned to school to attain...
10 Days in April
...a detour through breast cancer by Eleanor Deckert
Newly-wed Eleanor had a plan for her life: “I want to get married, go out west, build a log cabin, raise a bunch of kids, teach them about the Lord, volunteer in my community, and then write a book about it!” As her dreams became a reality over...
Mi Eternidad Luce Incluyendo Cristo
Devocional de 30 dias Meli.C by Amelia Meli Cantu
Todo el mundo pasa por momentos difíciles en la vida. La decepción, el dolor y los factores estresantes diarios son realidades en la vida de muchas mujeres hoy en día. Puede sentir que no hay salida, o que está desesperada, sin esperanza a la...
My Eternal Life in Christ
A 30 day devotional by Meli.C by Amelia Meli Cantu
Everyone goes through difficult times in life. Disappointment, sorrow, and daily stressors are realities in the lives of many women today. You may feel like there's no way out, or that you're driven to despair, with no hope in sight. The good...
Trouble, Trials, and Trust
by Stephanie Kauffman
Having buried her brother less than a month earlier, Stacy Kanner makes her way back to Mayerthorpe, Alberta, to resume a teaching position and begin the healing process as she works through her grief. Her time there is filled with school...
Word-Reader, Light-Bringer
Vignettes from the Bible for Shining God’s Light by Adelynn Spiecker
Genesis 1 opens with, “In the beginning, God ….” All life starts with Him. He wants total access to our souls, to dwell near us, to meet with us. And until we come face-to-face with Him, we can’t experience a saving relationship with the Lord....
The Red Geranium Sisterhood
Transformed in the image of radical love by Shelley M. Christian
What happens to us does not have to define us. In The Red Geranium Sisterhood, women will find the inspiration to believe in and embrace their inherent worth by discovering and embracing the Creator’s radical love. Author Shelley M. Christian...
Women Pray for Men
by Mikala Smith
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective”, James 5:16, NIV. What would happen if the women alive in this generation invested time into praying for men? So I present before women the challenge, will you commit to pray for the...
Emotions Redeemed
Women Reclaiming Emotional Health Through Christ by Covette J. Hamilton
Anger, fear, low self-esteem, bitterness, envy, guilt—real life emotions as experienced through the eyes of women who need a healing touch from God. Meet Angry Arlene, Fearful Francine, and many others who grapple with negative emotions brought...
Free At Last
Angels and Demons at war for your soul by Dr. Nialah Ali
ANGELS AND DEMONS AT “War” for your Soul People aren’t your problem! The answer to your problem is found in Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of...