Juvenile Nonfiction, History, Military & Wars
Nous honorons le Bataillon Noir
by Serena Virk
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler du Bataillon Noir? Il n’est jamais trop tard pour découvrir l’existence du 2e Bataillon de construction, aussi appelé le Bataillon Noir. Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, comme tant de jeunes gens courageux, de...
We Remember The Black Battalion
by Serena Virk
Have you heard of No. 2 Construction Battalion? It is never too late to learn about No. 2 Construction Battalion, also known as the Black Battalion. In the First World War, when so many brave young men enlisted to fight, there were many Black men...
by Anica Letic
Wars have written history. Kings, lords and commanders destroyed and plundered lands, slaughtered people in order to glorify and celebrate themselves, gain lands or accomplish some exclusive ideas. Children were born and grew up in turmoil and...