History, Canada, Provincial, Territorial & Local
That's Rich: the Rise and Fall of the BC Liberals
A Biography of Rich Coleman by Judi Tyabji
In the unpredictable tangle of British Columbian politics, people and the parties they represent can appear, ascend, and then vanish in notoriety or irrelevance, all before your eyes. The pièce de résistance? Truth doesn’t have to factor into it....
Gritty City
An Oral History of Winnipeg Hip-Hop Music: 1980-2005 by Nigel Webber
Gritty City is a love letter to Winnipeg, a prairie metropolis born out of rebellion, a river city marooned in the middle of a continent. Maybe there is something in the water that makes us different... Gritty City is the first book to tackle the...
Malabar Costumes
Growing Up With Canada's Most Famous Costume Company by Tanyss Malabar
For many, costumes represent only one day a year—Halloween. But not for anyone born into the Malabar family! Being a Malabar meant you were an active participant in forming the history of Canada’s premier theatrical supplier, one costume at a...
Count d' Esterhazy and the Esterhaz-Kaposvar Hungarian Colony in Western Canada
by Joseph G. Nagy
Throughout the late 1800s, waves of immigrants came over from Europe to North America, their arrival serving a dual purpose. On the one hand, the immigrants were seeking a better life for themselves and their families. On the other hand, the...
Far Out!
The Untold Story of the ‘60s-Inspired “Back-to-the-Land” Migration that Changed Nova Scotia by Christopher Murphy
The 1960s was a period of radical social change. Many young people rejected the politics and values of the day and decided to “drop out” and migrate to the country. The desire for an independent rural life on the land took many of them to the...
The McNair-Flemming Years, Volume 1
A Public Record of Uncertain Times, New Brunswick 1930-1960 by James G. Long
The McNair-Flemming Years is a two-volume history of New Brunswick politics and events, from the Depression to the beginning of the 1960s. Based largely on contemporaneous journalistic input from five daily New Brunswick newspapers, it is exactly...
Between Heaven and Balmoral
A History of Cary Castle British Columbia’s First Government House 1860-1899 by Robert Ratcliffe Taylor
In 1860, Cary Castle was built by George Hunter Cary in Victoria, the bustling Gold Rush capital of Vancouver Island. Cary was the brilliant “Boy Attorney-General,” unethical, unpopular and mentally disturbed—one of the colony’s vivid early...
Here Come the Cavalry!
Chronicling the History of Professional Soccer in Calgary by Scott Strasser
Step into the thrilling and topsy-turvy history of professional soccer in Calgary with this captivating chronicle written by a former player, dedicated fan, and passionate journalist. From the Boomers and Kickers of the 1980s to the present-day...
The Rugged Danish Settlement
Pass Lake 100 Years by Pass Lake Historical Society
In 1924, Sibley and McTavish Townships were set aside for settlement by Danish homesteaders. They were eager to take advantage and the opportunity to own land in this new country. The Danish immigrants underwent great trials to clear the land for...
One Woman's Century
The Collected Essays of Kay Parley by Kay Parley
A remarkable, one-of-a-kind collection. Filled with insight, anecdotes, and fascinating snapshots from the past, ONE WOMAN'S CENTURY is a celebration of the life and work of iconic Saskatchewan author Kay Parley, covering the full scope of her...