History, Canada
From Ancient Gaul to Canada
A Trip Through the Enchanting History of French Canadians by Dennis Kish
From the Celtic peoples of ancient Gaul to the French settlers of Québec, this is the epic tale of how we became Canadians. In 390 BC, the ancient ancestors of the French-speaking peoples lived in a huge region of western Europe known as Gaul....
Positively Canadian
A Fun Guide to Canadian Language, Culture and History by Heather Ann Pattullo
To know more interesting things about this great country of Canada… Come take an informal walk with the author across each territory and province. The conversational writing style makes it totally readable and delightfully entertaining. Enjoy...
Wheel of Life
by Roger L. Rondeau
Wheel of Life is an adventure novel that comes in many forms. It travels through time from the mid-1600s until today. It depicts a clan immigrating from Normandy, France to the New World in Canada. Then after being deported moving along the...
Dying For Gold
The True Story of the Giant Mine Murders by Lee Selleck and Francis Thompson
On September 18, 1992 a violent explosion deep in Yellowknife's Giant mine took the lives of nine miners. The men had defied the picket lines that were the scene of violent clashes between the mineworkers and company security forces during a long...
The McNair-Flemming Years, Volume 1
A Public Record of Uncertain Times, New Brunswick 1930-1960 by James G. Long
The McNair-Flemming Years is a two-volume history of New Brunswick politics and events, from the Depression to the beginning of the 1960s. Based largely on contemporaneous journalistic input from five daily New Brunswick newspapers, it is exactly...
The McNair-Flemming Years, Volume 2
A Public Record of Uncertain Times, New Brunswick 1930-1960 by James G. Long
The McNair-Flemming Years Volume 2, relates a shift of influence by the print media. Newspaper reporting of peacetime events had always expressed a known degree of partisan views, but these suddenly became toxic. The result was a transition of...
The Unknown Canadian Pipe Smoker
by Fraser Moss
Pipe smoking has a long and complex history with its origins in the New World before spreading to Europe and beyond. But when it comes to Canada’s involvement with pipe smoking, many Canadians—avid pipe smokers or not—have no idea the significant...
My Mother's Legacy
by Bonita Nowell
A survival story and celebration of one woman’s life, My Mother's Legacy is also a glimpse of the spirit, culture, and history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. From life on the trapline in the Far North to meeting the Pope at the Vatican, this is...
Stooks on the Horizon
The Story of a Prairie Family Homestead by Jan Kuzina
This is a story of land, a farm that was not just the giver of life’s sustenance but a character in its own right, with its own spirit and vitality found in its black earth, pastures, woods, and sloughs as it moves through seasons. When faded,...
Mennonite to Mainstream
Abandoning the Old Colony and Growing Up in Rural Canada by Judy Ann
In a family history that stretches back five hundred years, Judy introduces readers to life under Old Colony Mennonite rules as experienced by her parents and grandparents in rural Canada and Mexico. Despite this history, it took Judy’s family...