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The Butterfly Girl cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5922-1
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Butterfly,
    • bright colors,
    • girls,
    • flowers,
    • clothing,
    • intermediate reader

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The Butterfly Girl
by Betty Clarke-Palmer

Missy is really excited to start second grade. While enjoying the first day’s walk to school, a lovely butterfly suddenly swoops down and lands upon her hair-bow. She shoos him off, but he comes back to circle around several times. Every day after that, Mr. Flutterby Butterfly shows up with more and more of his friends, until Missy is fed up with all the fluttering insects pestering her. Then her mom has an idea for Missy to try which gets rid of them for the whole weekend. Now Missy is so lonely that she just wants them to come back, but she can’t find them anywhere. Finally she has a brainstorm, tries it only to find it doesn’t work — or so she thinks — until the schoolchildren show her otherwise.

“ It was fun to read your butterfly tale. I think you've created a story certain to enchant many little girls - and spark their imagination, too. ” Jan B. Wahl, author of over a hundred children's books

My dad was a science teacher and my mom taught primary grades until my two brothers and I came along. Needless to say, our introduction to books came very early. I remember dreaming up fairy stories and eventually penned my first one at five. I still continue to write stories. After a year of Liberal Arts at BGSU, I married and started my family of three boys and three girls. They were introduced to the exciting literary world as babies, too. Carrying this love of books and learning continues throughout their lives. They have all married and brought me thirteen grand children. Now three of those have also married. This is so encouraging for I know that our avid-reading, book-loving, story-telling dynasty assuredly lives on.


Betty Clarke-Palmer
Bonnie Lemaire

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