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Playing Dolls, Canadian Experience Required
by Najat Sinclair-Benrbia

Playing Dolls, Canadian Experience Required is a real life story that depicts the events of my journey coming to this majestic country, Canada. It is also a story of all the other immigrants who have come searching for new beginnings. Like many before me, I came with hopes and dreams in order to change a corner of my world, but I was faced with discrimination, many hurdles to jump and tough decisions to make in the name of that Canadian Experience. But despite the rigidity and the layering of the bureaucratic chaos in a system that does not seem to work with anything foreign, I came to understand that I had to continue, whether I walked on thorns or not. Persevering and changing my destiny was key to see beyond the layering in order to emerge better, stronger and wiser. Changing my destiny, relying on my experience, savoir-faire and education were the right tangible push towards the better, successful person I am today. My journey has not only permitted me to change my thinking, but has helped to change the core of my being by accepting the new person I have become; the better companion, the wonderful wife, the understanding mother and the valuable educator. Playing Dolls, Canadian Experience Required is the play key to new and better highs.

Najat Sinclair-Benrbia photo

Najat was born and raised in Casablanca, Morocco. After obtaining her International Baccalaureate she went to study literature at Hassan II University where she graduated with a Master’s degree in English Literature. She also pursued a career of education by obtaining a diploma from a school of teachers. She also has numerous degrees from the American Language school. She taught both French and English before becoming a full time Early childhood Educator. Najat speaks four languages and lives in Vancouver with her husband, Paul and her two teenage kids, Joy and Denis. Playing Dolls, Canadian Experience Required is her first book. She is currently working on her second book, and she also plans on creating a series of children’s books, relying on real life experiences.


Najat Sinclair-Benrbia

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