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On Hallowed Ground
by Wanda Burse

On Hallowed Ground was inspired by the everyday sights and sounds that encompass life on earth. Too often we pass by the familiar, the mundane, the common, with hardly a thought. All the poems in this collection have come from sitting with creation - sometimes for brief moments and sometimes for extended periods. As I sat with creation, inviting it into my soul, savouring its life and vitality, the words came. These poems are offered as the feast of those savoured moments.

Wanda Burse photo

Wanda Burse is a retired teacher, a beginning writer, and an Ordained Minister in The United Church of Canada. During her 30-year teaching career she encouraged her young students in her passions of reading and writing. She enjoys sitting in the noise and silence of creation until it speaks to her soul. Wanda is married to her husband Don who was her photographer for this book. They are the proud parents of two grown sons and three precious grandchildren.


Wanda Burse

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