FriesenPress is wholly-owned by Friesens Corporation. We own and operate the website (the "Site") and other related sites with the domain This privacy policy is intended to inform you about the information that is collected from you when you visit the Site; how this information may be used and disclosed; how you can control the use and disclosure of your information; and how your information is protected. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact our team at
- What information do you typically collect?
- From time to time we require some personal information from you, such as your email address, phone number, contact information, payment information, and such in order to communicate with you, receive orders and payment from you, and deliver books or other materials that you have requested from us.
- Where am I usually required to leave personal information?
- Personal information is required to fill out our publishing agreement and other service agreements, on our website (such as when requesting our Author's Guide or when choosing to participate in contests), on forms that are used to carry out a service that you have purchased (such as in our book marketing questionnaire), when purchasing books or other materials from our online bookstore, and when ordering books or other materials by fax, phone, or email.
- Are there any exceptions to this privacy policy?
- Information that you submit to us for the purposes of promoting your book, yourself, or FriesenPress, such as book reviews, articles, interviews, testimonials, and so on, is excluded from this privacy policy due to its public nature. Also excluded is information required to be made public in the process of publishing your book. Examples are information submitted to obtain your book’s ISBN number, library cataloguing information, and any other information that will appear on the copyright page of your book, front matter, back matter, or on your book cover.
- Do you ever share my personal information with others?
- Only when in the course of our contractual duties, your information is required by one of our subcontractors or suppliers in order to deliver the product or service that you have purchased, or to process your payment for these products or services. Examples of subcontractors or suppliers are our credit card processor and our web site hosting service.
- How about information left in customer surveys?
- We often conduct customer surveys to assess how we are doing in the performance of our duties. The information that we collect is strictly confidential and only used to improve our products and services. Participation in our surveys is voluntary.
- Do you use browser “cookies”?
- A cookie is a small file in your computer’s hard drive that contains data stored by your web browser. We use these files to provide you with added functionality, such auto filling of data fields, or to temporarily store information so that you don’t have to retype it should you accidentally leave a web page with a form in it. We also use cookies to better learn how visitors navigate our web pages, so that we can make adjustments in order to enhance the overall website experience.
- Do you store my IP address?
- Our website captures certain parameters, such as a visitor’s IP address and domain name in order to gather statistical information about the usage of our site (such as number of page hits, number of unique visitors, and traffic flow through our web pages). This information does not identify visitors by name or in any other recognizable form, and it is used strictly to improve our web site's functionality. We do not disclose this information to any third parties.
- Is my personal information secure?
- We take every precaution in order to safeguard your personal information. For example, we ulitize the same safe encryption technology used by banks to secure online banking transactions. Our computer servers are located in a locked facility and protected by firewall and other sophisticated data and physical protection mechanisms.
- Are you ever required to disclose my personal information?
- Only in response to a legal requirement, such as a court order, police investigation, or fraud for illegal activities by a law enforcing agency or tax authorities, or as part of a defence against a legal claim.
- What happens if there are changes in this privacy policy?
- The use of this website and our products and services signify consent on your part to the terms of this policy. Should our privacy policy change in the future, we will post such changes on this web page and update the date shown below.